New species revealed after 25 years of study on 'inside out' fossil -- and
named after discoverer's mum
A new species of fossil is 444 million years-old with soft insides
perfectly preserved. Research 'ultramarathon' saw palaeontologist puzzled
by bizarre fos...
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
yemin The Promise Episode 11 to 15
Scene1: Cavidan pretends to b mad at Suna warns her not to let Emir and her dad know about her mistake and takes the lap top from her so that she can use it as a proof against Reyhan R: every time I think what worse can happen to me time? I face the worst ( Flash back ) he also doesn’t beleive in me and then... he changes to a gentle person, isn’t it too complicated Enjir? E: why r u taking too long? U have no other choice but to apologize! u have to amend your mistake! Just say sorry and solve it at once! Scene2: Emir hears Reyhan and melekeh‘s conversation about the beach she is looking at and says she has always been wishing to see it since her childhood E: i looked for u in the room and then found u here R: do u wanna say something? —-no ... nothing ... I just.... wanted to ask if u wanna go outside I can take u—- no tnx I don’t want —- I know, every time we were out, es unpleasant for u, but ... it’s nothing really serious believe me, I just want u to have some fresh air—- as I said.... I don’t wanna go anywhere—- I insist! Scene2: Cavidan is mad at Nigar for talking too Emir and warns her to b kicked out from the house if she puts hr in such a trouble again and safar says that he had said it to Emir but the way he didn’t doubt Cavidan Reyhan: is it here? It’s very bueatifull .... so much....E : this is my most favorite place in Stanbol ... it makes one forget the problems, like a treatment.... the sea heals one‘s soul I come every often here since my childhood R: he talks the way as if had heard me and melekeh sis.... and that Monument? E: the Memorial of a Love Story.... two people who decided to make this story immortal by living together and cause one another to live forever in the shape of this Monument.... I’ve heard so.... R: ( looking at fishes) I wish they can live in the sea... where they belong to ... E: the Fish is created to be caught and the fisherman does his own job R: u r Right! It however is difficult to accept, but it’s a rule of nature E: tells the love story of a fish and a bird who fell in love with one another and each decided to sacrifice their habitat for their love sake but fish couldn’t resist without water The bird was regretting and wanted to apologize to the fish .... but it was the only thing he could do st that time ... to say sorry ( he pays the fisherman for fishes and set them free into the water) R: tnx..... i found out u didn’t say it to dad! It was Nigar Scene3: E: oh i didn’t notice R: did u have something important to do? E: no i just didn’t know how the time passed so fast ( he means he was pleased taking her to the beach as he used to go their alone so far) hello Zafar Z: i was waiting for u to sort out the files r u coming E: today i had program outside and I’m going home now, can u come to me and we will have a look into them togather, drinking coffee Scene4: Cavidan has broken an expensive antique piece to blame Reyhan and cemre says she had done it so she can earn her trust and plot against her R: tnx but why did u do so ? I couldn’t understand Cemre: just as a sign of apologize if u accept my friendship .... insisting .... I’m already so much ashamed for I said to u and if u don’t forgive me Ill lost Emirs friendship as well E: here is it! I found it , this one is false Z: Strange! I checked everything carefully but..... so won’t u tell me? E: about what! Reyhan i mean! U were so upset till yesterday and was complaining to me but today.... what is this outside program ... spending time together and ..... —- It was a misunderstanding —- oh i see.. she was innocent but u didn’t give her a chance do u want coffee? —- don’t change the topic ! I’m full —plz I don’t want to remember it again and again! It was cheap enough anyway! —- why don’t u wanna remember? Bcz I feel guilty! Ok, did u say sorry to he? —-as I said!!! I took her the beach and ..... —- and according to u it’s enough to show her how fair u are! Sorry buddy but u tired yourself in vain... it’s of no outcome! — but why.... i really wanted her to feel better ...—— but u didn’t say sorry! U have to say it! It’s not that difficult let’s try... I A M S. O. R. R Y—— don’t make fun of me! u really r hurting me!!!!— ok then let’s drink a coffee and then try again—- didn’t u say u were full ?! —- yes but it depends on my mood—- ok! U have got the chance to make fun of me! Cemre tried to collect informations about reyhan and in which branch has she studied so she finds out she has problems with maths E: well I’m not out of my mind friend! U have wrong diagnosed.... —- it’s not only me thinking so ..... I bet Reyhan is also as wondered as me about your behavior nowadays —— what do u mean? What is wrong with me??—- well only u can say it bro! U are behaving so indefinite lately.... once u doubt her and then u become a gentle husband —- don’t take it wrong man! I know what do u mean! U will reopen the same topic! —- do u remember? U were constantly talking about divorce and separation .... but now???—- nothing has changed now! We r not made for each other! Reyhan doesn’t belong to this society U know!—- but u r repeating the same sentences just oral like a school listen and without even realizing it, while u feel just the opposite, I can see it into your eyes, listen! I say so bcz I know my friend very well, it has been a long time u haven’t met yourself buddy! —- uffff Scene5: E: what’s it? R: it’s for u ! Nigar gave it Cemre asks reyhan for going to a restaurant tommorrow and she says she will ask Emir Melekeh tries to talk to Suna why her mom has punished her but she can’t say bcz her mom has forbidden her R: working on lap top her maths exercises.... I... was working my lessons here... but it’s done now I’ll go to my room E: No no u can carry on, im not sleeping so early .... the invitation... has come for both of us.... I mean he’s the son of my dads closest friend .... that’s why has invited both of us.... I wanted to ask u if we can attend that marriage tomorrow, ..... for dad’s sake I mean....but if u don’t wanna go ... I’ll just make some excuse—— no no we can go if it’s a close friend and is necessary —— ok tnx R: and I also wanted to say ... cemre wants us to go for breakfast tomorrow, she insisted too much and i couldn’t refuse—— I think u should go , cemre knows the best restaurants here since she’s a food addicted , u will have fun... ( at restaurant) Cemre calsEmir to pick them up from restaurant since she had not driven by her car And then takes reyhan out to confront vural, so makes an excuse to have forgotten her bag in! according to plan Vural comes near to reyhan and talks the way they know each other so that Emir doubt her ( the end)
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